by Scott Anderson | Oct 12, 2016 | Coaching, Personal Enrichment, Uncategorized, Workplace Culture, Workplace Issues
Anyone who knows me probably also knows I’m a huge fan of mindfulness and meditation. I started meditating years ago and can’t say enough about the benefits for both my personal and professional life. It is no secret that the business world...
by Scott Anderson | Oct 5, 2016 | Coaching, Essential Reading, Personal Enrichment, Workplace Issues
A while back I wrote about the fallacy that overwork meant better work. More and more, people in the business world are beginning to recognize that working 60 and 70 and 80 hours a week is not a virtue. Rather, it reveals certain weaknesses in the worker. While there...
by Scott Anderson | Sep 14, 2016 | Coaching, Essential Reading, Personal Enrichment, Playing Big
I love the term “Misery Olympics” and wish I’d thought of it first. Google it and you’ll get about 549,000 results, but who has time to get to the bottom of that rabbit hole? We all watched the Olympics in Brazil last month, but the Misery Olympics never end—they go...
by Scott Anderson | Aug 18, 2016 | Personal Enrichment, Playing Big
I’ll just say it—I’m a sucker for reinvention stories. I love to see emails like the one I received yesterday from my friend Kris Kluver. This guy is your classic entrepreneur and really embodies the spirit of adventure. He started the first of 14 companies when he...
by Scott Anderson | Aug 3, 2016 | Coaching, Leadership, Personal Enrichment, Playing Big, Uncategorized
In a recent New York Times piece, “The Incalculable Value in Finding A Job You Love,” Economics professor Robert H. Frank validated much of what I say about developing a niche market. To be happy, research suggests, earning a high salary isn’t enough. Once...
by Scott Anderson | Jul 20, 2016 | Coaching, Personal Enrichment, Playing Big, Uncategorized
As my summer winds slowly towards August, I’ve been thinking about some of the things I’ve learned that you might find useful. (I’m assuming you don’t care who makes the best cannoli in Rovereto. Let me know if I’m wrong and I’ll send you my list of...