5 Benefits of Having a Coach on Your Team

5 Benefits of Having a Coach on Your Team

I’ve been getting a lot of questions in casual or social situations lately about what exactly it is I do since I left the advertising business to focus on my executive coaching practice full time. Coaching is a dynamic discipline where each session is tailored to the...
Rebirth, One Day at a Time

Rebirth, One Day at a Time

It’s springtime. Easter is nearly upon us, the leaves and flowers are starting to bloom again, and the idea of rebirth is on my mind. Rebirth may seem like a dramatic, mystical experience that only happens in fairy tales, but I would argue that it’s a constantly...


When I started writing my first book Playing Big I felt a great deal of fear weighing down on me at almost nearly every moment. Does that sound familiar to you at all? I felt that I had chosen a task that I was totally overmatched for. But I knew that that’s the exact...
You Are a Creative Person!

You Are a Creative Person!

If there’s one thing I really don’t like hearing people say it’s, “I’m not a creative person.” You may not be a Gertrude Stein or a Picasso, but you are a creative person! Creativity manifests in so many different ways, and often it’s as simple as the spice that...
Loneliness the Killer

Loneliness the Killer

“Just as we once knew that infectious diseases killed, but didn’t know that germs spread them, we’ve known intuitively that loneliness hastens death, but haven’t been able to explain how.” Loneliness is a pervasive and dangerous but misunderstood condition. But...
In Praise of Daydreaming

In Praise of Daydreaming

According to a recent study done by Harvard psychologists, average humans let their minds wander 47% of the time they are awake. That’s just under half of all the moments we spend awake, and no that’s not a typo. In fact, unless you’re currently “making love” (and for...
Self-Awareness Is Paramount for Leaders

Self-Awareness Is Paramount for Leaders

Perhaps the most important tool for effective leadership in today’s business organizations is self-awareness. Leaders don’t necessarily have the advantages many other people have when assessing the effectiveness of their tools at work. A tennis player knows their...
Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning

The weather here in the Midwest is starting to warm up, and I spent much of the weekend participating in a ritual known to most as “spring cleaning.” Despite being a domestic sound bite that suggests an event of scrubbing floors, raking yards, and sweeping garages,...
Make Peace with What Is

Make Peace with What Is

We are unquestionably living in a time of great suffering. In the past 50 years, “depression” has gone from something that happens to the economy to a human malady so widespread you can barely avoid the word as you go through your daily life. If you haven’t...
Keeping Your Mental Edge

Keeping Your Mental Edge

How’s your week going so far? Do you feel your schedule fits your available time as well as your personal needs? Or do you feel as if you’re packing a suitcase last minute, stuffing things in haphazardly and forgetting something here or there? The speed of today’s...