by Scott Anderson | Oct 2, 2015 | Coaching, Personal Enrichment
Can you imagine adding a significant amount of genuinely productive time to your day? What would you do? Bear down on some important work projects? Spend more time on personal projects? Rekindle things with family or friends? It may feel like we could be doing so much...
by Scott Anderson | Sep 24, 2015 | Personal Enrichment, Workplace Issues
Last week I received this blog post in an email from Marc Cendella, founder of job search company The Ladders. It contains a piece of simple yet refreshingly astute advice that I wanted to share with you on my own blog. For those about to start a new career, you may...
by Scott Anderson | Sep 18, 2015 | Personal Enrichment
I recently received this post in an email from my friend Matthew Kimberley. Matthew is the Head of the Book Yourself Solid School of Coach Training as well as the author of the self-help classic How To Get A Grip. If you’re a service professional looking to get more...
by Scott Anderson | Sep 16, 2015 | Personal Enrichment, Playing Big
What was the last novel you read? Today, many of us are so busy and so consumed by our career and family responsibilities that even thinking about sitting down and spending a few hours reading for pleasure seems a distant fantasy, at best. However, for those who...
by Scott Anderson | Sep 14, 2015 | Coaching, Personal Enrichment
Want to add 30 minutes of super productive time to your daily schedule? Try this: Log-off email for the next 15 minutes. Did you know that it’s possible to log off email? You may feel anxious at first. It will pass (eventually, I promise). No one is going to die....
by Scott Anderson | Aug 28, 2015 | Coaching, Personal Enrichment, Playing Big
Success is not a static, defined feeling or location. But regardless of what it means for you, getting out of your comfort zone is an absolutely essential step to getting there. In this blog I want to offer a few thoughts on how to shake off the shackles of routine...