by Scott Anderson | Apr 6, 2016 | Leadership, Playing Big
When it comes to positions of leadership, there is a vast difference between those who merely manage and those who truly lead. Rather than being qualities that are naturally ingrained, more often, those differences are intangibles learned through lived experience. If...
by Scott Anderson | Mar 2, 2016 | Leadership, Playing Big
For younger people who are looking to make the jump into leadership for the first time, there can be a lot of uncertainty. That’s fine. As I have discussed in a previous blog, you have to be ready to fail and learn on the job and you absolutely must admit you are...
by Scott Anderson | Feb 26, 2016 | Playing Big, Workplace Issues
When we talk about the future of work, we’re talking about both the management trends that are taking hold of boardrooms and HR departments today, as well as ultimately how the organizational structure of the most innovative and successful companies of tomorrow will...
by Scott Anderson | Feb 17, 2016 | Leadership, Playing Big
Great leaders tend to listen more than they speak. They also tend to ask questions more often than they pontificate about the right or wrong way to do things. They have discovered that rather than telling people how things should be done, it tends to stick much better...
by Scott Anderson | Feb 10, 2016 | Personal Enrichment, Playing Big
In a recent Entrepreneur article by Travis Bradberry, he points out something that my coaching clients often have to be reminded about in the beginning: likability and perceived greatness are not pre-loaded into us like software into a computer or phone. Rather,...
by Scott Anderson | Feb 5, 2016 | Personal Enrichment, Playing Big
For entrepreneurs and solopreneurs, finding a work-life balance that feels equitable on both sides is often a great challenge. Below is an email sharing some valuable perspective on this very topic from coaching dynamo Matthew Kimberley. It is reposted here with his...