by Scott Anderson | Apr 22, 2015 | Coaching, Personal Enrichment
Many of my coaching clients are entrepreneurs or small business owners and one of the questions that we often find ourselves working through together is, “what am I doing wrong?” Often in our pursuits we have the feeling that if we could just change one thing, all the...
by Scott Anderson | Apr 10, 2015 | Personal Enrichment
Happy Thanksgiving readers! No, we could hardly be further away from the actual holiday itself but I wanted to use this opportunity to encourage you to be more thankful in your everyday life. Every time the holiday rolls around it’s a great opportunity to experience...
by Scott Anderson | Apr 8, 2015 | Personal Enrichment
In 1943, psychologist Abraham Maslow published his now famous Theory of Human Motivation wherein he details a hierarchy of needs, visually represented by a pyramid. These basic human needs, from top to bottom of the pyramid are: physiological, safety, love/belonging,...
by Scott Anderson | Apr 1, 2015 | Personal Enrichment
It’s springtime. Easter is nearly upon us, the leaves and flowers are starting to bloom again, and the idea of rebirth is on my mind. Rebirth may seem like a dramatic, mystical experience that only happens in fairy tales, but I would argue that it’s a constantly...
by Scott Anderson | Mar 20, 2015 | Personal Enrichment
“Just as we once knew that infectious diseases killed, but didn’t know that germs spread them, we’ve known intuitively that loneliness hastens death, but haven’t been able to explain how.” Loneliness is a pervasive and dangerous but misunderstood condition. But...
by Scott Anderson | Mar 18, 2015 | Personal Enrichment
According to a recent study done by Harvard psychologists, average humans let their minds wander 47% of the time they are awake. That’s just under half of all the moments we spend awake, and no that’s not a typo. In fact, unless you’re currently “making love” (and for...