You may have noticed in your time on this earth that New Years Resolutions are well-intentioned but fickle things. Typically they have the expectation of failure built right in. However, the purpose of goal setting is not to have something nice to imagine. It’s to accomplish them.

So I’ve been starting 2015 with a lot of my clients by asking what their big goal for 2015 is. Hopefully you have several things you’d like to accomplish this year, but let’s start setting priorities by looking out for number one. Use the following questions to help you find your big goal, and plan the steps to get you there.

1. If you could only accomplish one thing in 2015, if only one thing changed in your life, what would it be? Be as specific (and ideally quantifiable) as possible:

2. What will this achievement/change feel like?

3. What will this achievement/change mean to those for whom you want to bring hope and for those you lead?

4. What will it mean to the way you understand yourself?

5. What is the most important change in your behavior that will make this 2015 accomplishment possible?

  • How will you know whether you are making this change or not?
  •  What support would you like in making this change?
  • What accountability would you like in making this change?

6. What is the most important change in your thinking that will make this 2015 accomplishment possible?

  • What support would you like in making this change?
  • How will you know whether you are making this change or not?
  • What accountability would you like in making this change?

7. How will you celebrate achieving your big 2015 goal?

8. Having achieved your biggest 2015 goal, what else is possible? For you? For those you love? For those you serve? For those you lead?

9. What’s the most important first step you should take right now?

It may be helpful for you to print these questions out and make notes on them. I hope this exercise will get you headed in the right direction toward achieving your big goal in 2015. Feel free to connect with me at or on LinkedIn or Twitter @Doubledarecoach.

photo credit: Spring mountains via photopin (license)
