For forward-thinking organizations and their high-level leadership, coaching has been a crucial part of their toolbox for years now. It’s a way for them to foster their top talent in ways that directly benefit both the organization and the individual. It’s an investment made with the knowledge that great companies are made great by the people that work there, and that greatness is the result of difficult, often intensely personal work.

So before you get on Google and find the loudest, shiniest executive coach you can, stop to consider what you’re really after. Here are a few factors that should help you select the right coach for you and/or your organization.

Before you commit, get an introduction. To be frank, coaching is not cheap (if it is, it’s probably not offering much real value). A prospective coach should be willing to spend some time helping to find out if the partnership would be a good fit or not. Just like all of us as individuals, coaches have their own unique style.

Check their resume. What have they been doing with their professional life? Do they have experience that’s relevant to your line of work? Finding a coach whose experience 100% mirrors yours may not be the right approach, but someone with a working knowledge of your industry is certainly helpful.

Does it feel right? When you get right down to it, you and your coach will establish a professional relationship. Your coach will offer perspectives and ask questions that you may not expect, and you will likely reveal things you may not have before. The relationship is based on trust, so it needs to feel right.

If you’re looking to grow as a person with a view to improving your company’s performance, seeking out a coach is the right move. When it comes to finding the right one, try before you buy, and choose someone with whom you find a natural connection. If that’s not the first person you talk to, move on.

If you’re curious about Doubledare and would like to find out what coaching with me is like, you’re in luck. I’m currently offering free 15 minute phone calls for that exact purpose. If you’d like to hear from some of my current and former clients first, click here. If you have any other questions about Doubledare or the coaching process in general, reach out to me directly at

photo credit: The Shard via photopin (license)
