The way we work is changing. In order to stay in front of those changes and thrive in your professional and personal life, it’s important for you to know where you stand. Though the future of work doesn’t necessarily mean your job will be taken by a robot, it does mean that you need to be prepared for what’s coming.

Here’s the steps I recommend you take for future-proofing your career today.

Know the ground you stand on. What I mean by that is, be aware of the various trends in management and leadership. Try to spend a little time each day browsing publications like Harvard Business Review and Entrepreneur. Also, know your industry like the back of your hand. What are your competitors doing with their marketing? With their HR? Because the landscape is changing so rapidly, it becomes even more important to know where you stand.

Find what matters most to you. “Finding your passion” may begin to feel like an overused cliché by many who read the publications listed above, but it will remain an important part of employment going forward. Working situations are at once becoming more flexible and competitive. This means that it really is more important than ever for you to have strong feelings for what you do.

Find your niche. In contrast to your “passion,” your niche is the professional role where your particular expertise finds the company (or better yet companies) whose needs are most suited to what you are best at. This is becoming easier as the proliferation of freelancing and remote working technologies continues to grow. So what are you best at? How can you learn even more about it and become even more skilled in that area?

Want to get a bit more in depth about how to future proof your career? Schedule a 15 minute call by clicking here or email me directly at

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