I recently received this post in an email from my friend Matthew Kimberley. Matthew is the Head of the Book Yourself Solid School of Coach Training as well as the author of the self-help classic How To Get A Grip. If you’re a service professional looking to get more clients and get to the top of your game, you really ought to know Matthew. This post is republished with his permission.

Often, we don’t realize what we need most.

Or we only realize it with the benefit of hindsight, by which time it’s too late.

We don’t know that we need to stop drinking to salvage our marriages.

We don’t know that if we ask for help we’re more likely to get it.

We don’t know that we get one shot at spending time with our kids while they’re still kids.

And because of that, and even though foresight is more difficult to grasp and apply than hindsight, it’s particularly worth striving for.

This week Scott Dinsmore and Mike Seddon died. They were both young.

I don’t know if you knew them—or knew of them—but they both demonstrated unusual foresight.

Scott delivered the popular How To Find And Do The Work You Love presentation for a TED audience.

You should watch that, if you haven’t already.

He died climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, while he and his wife were on a digital sabbatical in the middle of a world tour.


Mike, who knew what the immediate future had in store for him, created Seddon Days.

Spend some time over there, watch The Last Webinar, and remember that we build our businesses to build our lives. Make time and make space.

It’s been said before and it’s worth repeating:

Life is short. Turn off your computer.

photo credit: Kilimanjaro Stella Point View via photopin (license)
