I think coaching has historically been considered as a one-on-one, in-person interaction like going to the doctor or having a tennis lesson. You sit down for an hour, talk, listen, get the wheels turning, then get in your car and go home. Today it’s becoming increasingly apparent that coaching by telephone or video chat are equally valid and effective means of maintaining coaching relationships.

So what are the primary differences between an in-person and remote coaching experience? Have a look below to determine if remote coaching via phone or video chat might be a good option for you.

Body language. We know that a large portion of the communication we do in any given situation is nonverbal. We say a lot with our hands, our posture, the muscles in our face, and more. A remote coach can’t rely on their own and their coachee’s body language to do all of this communicating.

However, with that said, coaching is really not about interpreting body language. It’s born out of conversation and progress is made through questions, answers, and resulting verbal commitments. All of this can be accomplished via phone or video call and it can often result in fewer environmental distractions as well.

There are still plenty of nonverbal cues available to remote coaches, as well. Cadence, pauses, and tone are all elements that make a coaching session via telephone or video chat much more nuanced than a simple correspondence through email or text.

Technology. With the proliferation of new technologies, we no longer have to be located in the same city, state, or even country to work side by side with another person. Remote teams are becoming more common in parts of nearly every industry. Through the power of the Internet, you can scour the globe for the coach that is right for you. I can conceivably meet with a client for whom it is Tuesday morning, when it’s still Monday afternoon for me.

Convenience. Entrepreneurs, business owners, and executives today are often as busy as their schedules can handle. The ability to be able to have a coaching session from your office or home can be a huge time saver since it prevents an unnecessary commute. Again, this also eliminates geographical restrictions of who you can have as your coach.

If you’re a busy business owner, executive, or entrepreneur seeking to raise your game in your business and your personal life, remote coaching could be a great option. Do you have questions about my process or what remote coaching with me would look like? Let me know in the comments or contact me directly at scott@doubledareyou.us.

photo credit: Classic Design via photopin (license)
