Thank you for completing the questionnaire!
You’ve probably “caught on” to the fact that this assessment is based on empirical evidence that proves:
a) Thoughts and emotions arise automatically. Just as our pancreas automatically produces insulin to protect us from having too much sugar in our blood, our mind automatically produces thoughts and emotions to keep us safe from potential danger.
b) We can’t control what thoughts and emotions come up. And we don’t have to control them to be happy and successful.
c) Trying to control thoughts and emotions or otherwise trying to “fix” or avoid them makes them come up more frequently — not less.
d) We’re responsible only for our actions — which is the only thing over which we have control.
Rating Scale:
< 3 pts = You have a pretty accurate understanding of your ability to control thoughts and feelings — that you can’t control them and don’t need to control them to be happy and successful.
4-6 pts = You think you have some control over your thoughts and feelings — and feel as though you need to control them in some cases
7-11 pts = You think you can control your thoughts and emotions most of the time — and that you must control them in most cases — to be happy and successful.
12-15: You have an unrealistic understanding of your ability — and your need — to control your thoughts and emotions. The good news is that it is 100% possible to release this habit and adopt a much happier and healthier way of living.
You can start this process by using the R&R Technique whenever you notice being disturbed by thoughts and emotions. Instead of trying to control, fix or avoid them, just briefly notice that you are having these thoughts and then use the R&R breathing technique. As quick and easy as this technique is, it is very powerful. If you will try your best to practice it whenever you notice being disturbed, your thoughts and emotions will disturb you less and less.